The end of the year is approaching and with plenty of time in our hands during the holidays, today we offer you, together with Farmy, a delicious dessert to share in a 'petit comité'.
With only 3 components, these cupcakes are very easy to make: a fluffy sponge cake, a silky pumpkin and orange mousseline, and some mini Christmas cookies to entertain the whole family and challenge your arts and crafts skills!
For this you will need-

Equipment for 12 muffins
12 hole muffin tin
Piping nozzles for decoration

Piping bag

Pastry cutters (gingerbread man, pine-tree, star, animals)


185 g plain flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp mixed spice
1/4 tsp salt
110 ml yogurt
110 ml molasses
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
115 g unsalted butter softened
85 g dark brown muscovado sugar

125 g pumpkin puree
50g cane sugar
3 egg yolks
100 g granulated sugar
¼ tsp salt
15 g corn starch
70 ml whole milk
150 ml heavy cream
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 TBSP unsalted butter, cold
1 orange zest
300 g unsalted butter at room temperature

150 g Bio cinnamon almond dough
25 ml lemon juice
150 g powered sugar
1 toothpick


For The Gingerbread Cupcakes

Preheat the oven to 170 C. Line the 12 hole muffin tin with some liners and set aside.
In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, all the spices and salt. Set aside.
In a small bowl, mix together molasses and yogurt. Set aside.
In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, cream together the sugar and butter until light and fluffy. Add the eggs, one at a time, followed by vanilla.
With the mixer running on low speed, add half of the flour mixture, followed by half of the molasses and yogurt mixture. Repeat again, add the remaining flour mixture followed by remaining molasses and yogurt mix. Stir until all the ingredients are incorporated.
Divide the batter between the cupcake cases, but don't over fill them. Fill about 3/4 of each cupcake case. Bake for 15 minutes, until the toothpick inserted in the middle comes out with just a few crumbs remaining. Allow the cupcakes to cool completely before topping with mousseline.

For The Mousseline
Combine the pumpkin puree and cane sugar in a small saucepan and heat over low heat, stirring continuously until the sugar has dissolved. Once the puree is bubbling cook for about 5 minutes. Set aside.
In a small saucepan over medium-low heat, heat the milk and heavy cream, without it coming to boil. Remove from the heat.
In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat the egg yolks, granulated sugar, and salt on medium-high about 5 minutes. Scrape down the sides and add the cornstarch. Mix until combined.
With the mixer running on low, very slowly add the hot milk mixture. Mix until combined. Scrape down the sides, and add the pumpkin. Mix again on low until completely combined.

Transfer the mixture to sauce pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the pastry cream becomes very thick and begins to boil, about 5-7 minutes. Switch to a whisk and whisk the mixture for another 3-4 minutes, until the pastry cream becomes thicker. Remove from the heat, and strain the pastry cream into another medium-sized bowl. Stir in the vanilla, butter, and orange zest. Cover the pastry cream with plastic wrap and keep it in the refrigerator until cool.

Let the pastry cream come to room temperature. Place it in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Beat the pastry cream on low speed, adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of butter at a time, beating well after each addition. When the butter has been completely incorporated, scrape down the sides of the bowl and increase the speed to medium. Beat the buttercream for a minute or two, until completely smooth.

For The Mini Cookies

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Sprinkle a spoonful of flour on the table and roll out the cinnamon almond dough to half a centimetre thick and cut with the pastry cutters. Bake on a tray covered with baking paper for 3 minutes. Let cool down. Prepare the icing by mixing the lemon juice with the powdered sugar. With a toothpick, paint the biscuits once they are cold, let them dry for 5 minutes.

Have fun decorating your cupcakes & Happy Holidays!



Hello! For today’s autumn lunch I bring you happiness in shape of tartelettes. This homemade crispy crust is nice to use either for sweet or savoury preparations.

+ it’s very easy to prepare and you don’t need a pastry robot to do this!

INGREDIENTS - yield 6 -

• For the crust

Flour 180 gr

Whole hazelnuts or hazelnut powder 140 gr

Canne sugar 1 TBSP

Salt 1 tsp

Vegan butter 120 gr

Olive oil 30 gr

Water (cold) 5 TBSP

Agar-agar 1/2 TBSP

• For the filling

Olive oil 6 TBSP

Red onions (finely chopped) 300 gr

Garlic (finely chopped) 4 cloves

Salt 1 tsp

Red pepper flakes 1/2 tsp

Fresh brussels sprouts (rinsed) 500 gr

Tofu firm and silky (drained) 250 gr

Lemon juice 2 TBSP

Tahini paste 2 TBSP

Rice vinegar 2 TBSP

Veganegg powder (easily replaceable with lupini beans powder) 2 TBSP

Ricotta veggie 200 gr


To start with the hazelnut powder, I personally prefer to mix whole nuts in a blender until a smooth and homogeneous flour is obtained.

In the bowl of the food processor mix the flours, sugar, agar-agar and salt. Using the tip of your fingers stir in the vegan butter until crumbly.

In another bowl, whisk together the olive oil and water. Then add to the crumble mixture, trying to pour in just enough to form a dough. You can use your (clean) hands at this point to make sure all the flour is incorporated.

Form a ball, film and place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Then in a floured surface roll out the dough to get 1/2 cm thick homogeneous dough and cut it into 12 cm diameter circles or slightly bigger than your baking moulds. Put it back in the fridge for 15 minutes. This way, the dough will not shrink during baking.

Preheat your oven to 200°C. Bake the crusts lined with baking paper and ceramic balls for 18 minutes. Remove the paper and balls and bake it for another 5 min.

Set the oven temperature to 175º C.

Prepare the filling. In a large frying pan over medium heat, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil, adding the red onions when hot. Cook, stirring occasionally until the onions are lightly caramelized, about 6-8 minutes. Add remaining olive oil, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon salt and chilli flakes and cook until the garlic smells good, about 4-5 minutes more. Remove from heat and transfer the mixture to a bowl. Set aside.

In a steamer basket placed over boiling water, steam brussels sprouts for 3-5 minutes, or until the sprout is bright green and slightly crispy. Cut them in half lengthwise and mix with the onion mixture and set aside.

In the bowl of a food processor, blend the tofu, lemon juice, tahini, rice vinegar and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt until smooth. Incorporate the ricotta folding with a spatula and correct the seasoning. Pour the sprouts over the prepared pie crust and carefully pour the filling over the brussels sprouts to complete 3/4 of the crust and bake for 20-25 minutes, or until golden and set. Serve warm. Buon apetito!


Nice talks around food trends!

Hi there amigxs! I'm back with new exciting food adventures and delicious crusty, pear liquor mousse and cacao buttercream Tart that I have been mandated to create and develop by @genevadiscovery in partnership with the amazing @destilleriemorand Moitié-moitié pear liquor. Follow me in IG @eleadilorenzo and @genevadiscovery for more discussions around global food trends and food entrepreneurship!

Here you will find the french version of this recipe. Do not hesitate in contact me back or Google translate it ;)

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C’est un dessert mousseux frais et noisetté que nous a inspiré la Williamine Moitié-Moitié… Découvrez la Tarte Motié-Moitié poires-noisettes ! 

La Recette

Pour 2 pâtes sucrées:

140 g de beurre
2 g de sel
75 g de sucre glace
25 g de poudre de noisettes 
1 œuf

225g de farine

25 gr cacao en poudre

Les quantités permettront de faire 2 pâtes pour un moule rectangulaire de 36x13cm où 24cm de diamètre. Nous en utiliserons qu’une mais vous pouvez congeler la deuxième sans autre.

Au robot (vous pouvez aussi le faire à la main), battez ensemble le beurre, le sucre glace et le sel.Ajoutez l’œuf et la poudre de noisettes. Mélangez jusqu’à ce que la préparation devienne crémeuse. Incorporez la farine et le cacao en poudre et pétrissez jusqu’à obtenir une boule homogène. Formez une boule, filmez et placez au réfrigérateur au moins 2 heures.

Foncez ensuite un plat à tarte avec la pâte sucrée, puis replacez au frais pour 15 mn. Ainsi, la pâte ne rétrécira pas à la cuisson.

Préchauffez votre four à 200°C. Cuire la pâte sucrée tapissée de billes de cuisson pendant 20 min. Enlever les papier et billes de cuisson et la mettre à cuire encore 7 min.

Pour la mousse de poires moitié-moitié :

200 g de poires williams
100 g de sucre de canne

1/4 c à café de vanille en poudre

240 g de crème fraîche liquide entière
60 ml liqueur Moitié-moitié
4 feuilles de gélatine soit 8 g

Astuce : Pensez à mettre un saladier au moins 20 minutes au congélateur avant la réalisation de la chantilly. 

Dans une casserole, mettre les poires épluchées et coupées en dés avec le sucre, la vanille et la liqueur Moitié-moitié pendant 8 min à feu doux.
Faire tremper les feuilles de gélatine pendant 5 minutes dans de l’eau froide.
Mixer les poires jusqu’à obtenir une purée, essorer la gélatine et l’incorporer dans le mixer contenant la purée de poire chaude et bien mélanger jusqu’à ce que la gélatine soit fondue. Laisser la purée redescendre à température ambiante.

Monter la crème liquide en chantilly bien ferme.Verser le contenu de la casserole dans la chantilly et mélanger délicatement à l’aide d’une maryse.

Verser cette mousse sur la pâte sablée (déjà cuite) au cacao et entreposer au réfrigérateur au moins 3 heures.

Pour la crème au beurre noisettes chocolat:
90 g de beurre
90 g de pâte à tartiner au chocolat et aux noisettes
90 g de sucre en poudre

65 g de cacao en poudre
1/2 cuillère à café de vanille
1/8 cuillère à café du sel
20 ml liqueur Moitié-moitié
Dans le bol d’un batteur, battez le beurre et la pâte à tartiner aux noisettes ensemble jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit lisse. Ajoutez le sucre en poudre, la vanille et le sel et continuez à battre jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit léger et mousseux, 3 à 5 minutes. Ajoutez de la liqueur à la crème au beurre selon votre goût.

Il ne vous reste plus qu’à rajouter des petites touches de crème au beurre sur la tarte avec la mousse de Williamine et à décorer avec quelques lamelles de poires séchées au four et de petites fleurs comestibles.

Recette Elea Di Lorenzo

Photographies Elea Di Lorenzo

Texte/ Genevadiscovery

Bonne dégustation !#cakedesign #swissphotographer #swissfoodie #entrepreneurlife #recipedevelopment #foodbranddesign #foodbranding #brandstrategy #placesandspaces #placesilove #theartofslowliving #daysofsmallthings #aquietstyle #myquietbeauty #eatingclean #awesomepeoplearoundfood #eattheworld #eatrealfood #slowliving #instapastrychef #homecooking #sweetmagazine #tastespotting #forkfeed #foodgawker #kitchenbowl #theartoffoodplating #theartoffoodphotography


Summer is magic!

Aca va la receta de estos increíbles sandwiches helados, hechos a partir de una cookie brownie, helado casero de duraznos y frambuesas, una locura de delicioso!
Gracias a mi hermano, colega y mentor @hiramdilorenzo, por estos increíbles shoots! 
Grateful to share with you all!


Para las cookies brownie/

60 ml de aceite de coco, solido
30 ml leche de coco
60 gr de harina de trigo
1/2 de cdta polvo de hornear
1/4 cdta sal marina
30 gr de pure de manzanas natural
150 g de azúcar mascabo
2 cdtas de extracto de vainilla
200 gr de chips de chocolate 80%

Precalentar el horno a 180 ° C. Colocar papel de horno sobre dos placas. En un bowl combinar el aceite de coco bien firme, el azucar mascabo y la vainilla, batir por unos minutos. Incorporar el puree de manzanas y la leche de coco. Dejar reposar.

En un bowl pequeño, mezclar el harina, la sal marina y el polvo de hornear. 
Incorporar los ingredientes secos a los húmedos con una espátula firme o cuchara de madera. Revolver hasta que la masa quede bien firme, incorporar 3/4 de los chips de chocolate.

Con una cuchara de helado hacer 'scoops' o bochas dejando unos 4 cm de separación entre cada cookie.
Cocinar 9-11 minutos o hasta que los bordes se vuelvan dorados. Colocar el resto de los chips mientras las cookies estan calientes. Dejar enfriar unos 15 min antes de utilizar.

Para el helado/

400 ml leche de coco
2 duraznos
125 gr de frambuesas
1 cda de cardamomo
2 cdas de glucosa (o partes iguales de agua y azúcar hasta llegar a 130•)
60 gr de azúcar de coco o mascabo

Cortar los duraznos en trozos y cocinar en una ollita durante 5 min. Dejar enfriar y colocar en un blemder de alta velocidad junto con la mitad del azúcar, la leche de coco y la glucosa. Llevar nuevamente a una cacerola agregando el cardamomo para infusionar y disolver bien los ingredientes. Aparte, cocinar las frambuesas con la otra mitad del azúcar para lograr una mermelada.
En un molde para freezer colocar las dos capas y congelar por 6 hs.
Con un cortante del diametro de las cookies cortar el relleno helado y armar sandwiches! Bañar en chocolate y degustar rápido que se derrite!